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cash in banks造句

"cash in banks"是什么意思  
  • The exchange rate for usd to rmb is the day ' s purchase price of usd cash in bank of china
  • Cash includes cash on hand , cash in bank , and cash equivalents such as liquid , short - term investments
  • When you purchase toolings , you should debit " perchased materials " and credit " cash in bank " or " accounts payable " , etc
  • Current assets of enterprises shall include cash on hand , cash in bank , marketable securities , receivable , prepayments and in ? ventory
  • An enterprises that holds cash on hand and cash in bank denominated in foreign currencies should record transactions denominated in foreign currencies and their restated amounts in renminbi
  • Consisting of cash on hand , cash in bank , revolving funds and petty cash , but cash that is either restricted to be used only for specified purposes or by regulation or contracts is excluded
  • There is no justification to exclude borrowed money and cash in bank in calculating disposable capital , and there is no justification to include debt as a deductible item in the assessment of financial resources of legal aid applicants
  • It's difficult to see cash in banks in a sentence. 用cash in banks造句挺难的
如何用cash in banks造句,用cash in banks造句cash in banks in a sentence, 用cash in banks造句和cash in banks的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。